

駐日英国大使 ジュリア・ロングボトム氏

こんにちは、英国大使のジュリア ロングボトムです。







Julia Longbottom – Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Japan

Hello, I am Julia Longbottom, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Japan.  

The UK is actively working towards creating a society where everyone can freely love and be themselves. 

In 2014, the UK achieved same-sex marriage. The following year, while serving as the Deputy Head of Mission in Tokyo, I had the honor of officiating the wedding of my colleagues and same-sex couple Tim and Ryan at the Embassy. I declared them husband and husband on a day filled with love that I still remember vividly. To date, the Embassy has performed 69 same-sex weddings.

The promotion of LGBT+ rights holds personal significance for me. Last May, my eldest daughter Natalie married her female partner Catherine in a same-sex ceremony. As parents, we celebrated this wonderful moment when they confirmed their love for each other and I felt that British society was enriched by same-sex marriage.

However, the UK has also faced challenges in protecting LGBT+ rights. Laws and systems have been changed one by one, including the creation of anti-discrimination laws, to achieve an equal society. These changes were driven by people who celebrated diversity and never gave up speaking out – people like all of you here. 

We will continue to work with you in Japan to ensure that LGBT+ individuals can live their lives freely. 

This year, as Japan holds the G7 Presidency and G7 Ministerial Meetings will be held in various locations. We look forward to making progress together towards equal rights for all.

Thank you very much.

駐日ドイツ大使 クレーメンス・フォン・ゲッツェ氏





愛が私たちを人として、家族として、そしてパートナーとして結びつけ、社会全体の利益につながるというのが我々の確固たる信念です。ドイツではすべての人が個人の幸福を得る権利を持っていると確信しています。そのため、私たちは世界中のLGBTQIの人々の権利を擁護しています。私たちは、メキシコとともに「Equal Rights Coaltion/平等な権利連合」の共同議長として、また国連やG7などの多国間フォーマットにおいて、そして私たちのフェミニスト外交政策を通じて、これを行います。


Dr. Clemens von Goetze – Ambassador of the Federal German Republic to Japan

Dear Ambassadors, dear friends, supporters and participants of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2023, Great to see you so many of you here! As representative of the German government, it is my pleasure to speak here to you today and present this year’s motto of the German booth at Tokyo Rainbow Pride. It reads: Love Unites.

This motto very well reflects our deep belief in Germany that sharing and expressing mutual love does not only unite individuals, but also strengthens our societies as a whole.

That is why, in 2017, the German Parliament decided by majority vote across all party lines in favour of marriage for same-sex couples. In doing so, the members of Parliament reflected the broadly shared public sentiment that all lovers should have the right to be united in marriage – regardless of sex or gender. Since 2017, more than 65,600 same-sex couples have exercised their noble right to marry the person they love.

It is my firm believe that love unites us as a people, as families, and as partners – to the benefit of our society as a whole. In Germany, we are convinced that everyone has a right to individual happiness. That is why we advocate the rights of LGBTIQ people worldwide. We do this together with Mexico as co-chair of the Equal Rights Coalition, in other multilateral formats, such as the UN or the G7, and through our Feminist Foreign Policy.

Let me conclude with a whole-hearted invitation to our booth here at Tokyo Rainbow Pride:

Get a glimpse at the LGBTIQ community in Germany, familiarize yourself with joint Mexican-German initiatives in the Equal Rights Coalition, and get in touch with our guest of honor, Berlin-based Drag-Queen “Vivienne Lovecraft” – who would be thrilled to chat away about the struggle for equal rights, as well as styling instructions, and Berlin’s LGBTI-community.

在日カナダ大使館 臨時代理大使 デボラ・ポール氏

Bonjour tout le monde, Hello everyone. 皆さま、こんにちは。
カナダ大使館 臨時代理大使のデボラ・ポールと申します。今年も また 東京レインボー・プライド に参加できて 嬉しいです。

もちろん カナダ国内でも、やるべき ことは まだ ありますが、嬉しい ことに 既に 進展が みられます。たとえば、トルドー首相は 昨年、カナダ、そして世界中で、LGBTIの人々が 社会、経済、そして 健康の 面で、より多くの 成果を 得られる ように するための、初めての 行動計画を 立ち上げました。

現状では、残念な ことに、世界中で とても多くのLGBTIの人々が、ただ 自分らしく 生きている というだけで 迫害を 受けています。

しかし、私は ここ日本に、行動的なコミュニティーが あることに 感心しています。カナダ大使館は、先月、市民団体の 主導で 初めて 開催された プライド・セブン・サミット に 出席しました。市民団体の 方々の、持続的で ねばり強い 努力の おかげで、日本は 今、LGBTIの権利を訴える 気運が 強く 高まって います。

カナダは これからも、差別のない 世界を 実現するため、皆さまと 一緒に 努力して いきます。

トルドー首相は こう 言っています。「誰で あろうと、誰を 愛そうと、人には 侮辱や 迫害、差別を 受けずに 生きる 権利が あります。」

Merci et bonne fête de la fierté!
Thank you and Happy Pride!

Deborah Paul – Chargée d’affaires, Embassy of Canada to Japan

Bonjour tout le monde, Hello everyone, My name is Deborah Paul and I am the Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Canada. I am delighted to participate in Tokyo Rainbow Pride again this year.

Promoting and defending the rights of LGBTI individuals worldwide is a crucial domestic and diplomatic priority for Canada. While there is still more work to be done in Canada, we have made significant progress. For example, last year Prime Minister Trudeau launched his first action plan to improve social, economic, and health outcomes for LGBTI people in Canada and around the world.

Unfortunately, many LGBTI individuals worldwide still face persecution simply for being themselves. 

However, I am impressed by the active community here in Japan. Last month, the Embassy of Canada attended the Pride 7 Summit, the first ever organized by a civil society organization. Thanks to the sustained and persistent efforts of civil society, there is now strong momentum for LGBTI rights in Japan.

Canada will continue to work with you towards a world free from discrimination. As Prime Minister Trudeau has said, “No matter who you are or who you love, you have the right to live free from insult, persecution, and discrimination.”

Merci et bonne fête de la fierté!
Thank you and Happy Pride!


駐日EU大使 ジャン=エリック・パケ氏









Jean-Eric Paquet – EU Ambassador to Japan

Konnichiwa. Tokyo Pride. Jean-Eric Paquet. European Attache desu.
I’m absolutely delighted to be here today in this amazing pride here in Tokyo, together with my daughter Azenor.

We are looking forward to march with you today through the streets of Tokyo, sending a strong message in favour of a society where one’s sexual orientation or gender identity should have no impact on the way we experience life.

A society where we all feel safe and free to be who we are at all times. Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is wrong. This is the EU’s position as we strive to become a union of equality. 

For years, we made extensive efforts to extend legal and social protection for the LGBTQ community. For example, attacking an LGBTQ person in Europe is either verbally or physically in the real world or online is a crime in all 27 EU countries.

This has not happened magically overnight. This is a work of many decades where the European countries, the European Union, with many G7 partners, worked on the road to secure respect for human rights of LGBTQ persons. This has not been linear and progress remains uneven and is also sometimes eroded. 

And I would very much like to see all G7 partners have laws against LGBTQ discrimination in the near future. I’m like my peers inviting you, of course, to visit our booth to continue this exchange.

The EU and Japan can work together towards realizing fair, inclusive societies both at home and across the world where respect for diversity is encouraged. 

And this is why I am so proud to be here today with you, marching with you to fight misconceptions and prejudice, to increase the visibility and acceptance of LGBTQ in our societies. 

This is a great Tokyo Rainbow Pride. Thank you.

駐日オランダ王国大使 全権公使 テオ・ペータス氏


今年のTRP2023のテーマは「変わるまで、続ける ‘Press on till Japan changes.’」です。これは、皆さんが声を上げ、より良い方向に変わるまで前進し続けることを意味しています。私たちオランダは、皆さんの声を聞き、受け止め、そしてサポートします。








Theo Peters – Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Japan

Dear guests, good afternoon,First of all, many thanks to the organizers of the Tokyo Rainbow Pride for your hard work in organizing this important event.

I am proud to be with you here today to celebrate and promote diversity and inclusion for all people.

The theme of this year’s Pride is ‘Press on till Japan changes.’, which involves raising your voices and marching on until things change for the better.

We hear you and we support you. Facilitating better understanding of LGBTQ+ people is an important and welcome step. But it is not enough. Better understanding is a starting point, not the end goal.

Banning discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is key. Discrimination of any kind should not be tolerated in modern and free societies.

That means that LGBTQ+ people should have the same rights as anyone else. The LGBTQ+ community is not asking for more rights, but for equal rights. That is a reasonable and fair demand.

In 2001, the Netherlands was the first country to open up civil marriage to same-sex couples, and our constitution speaks against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

In our experience, equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community is the right thing to do. It makes for a better, happier and inclusive society.

So I urge everyone, to stand up for inclusivity, keep raising your voices, and let us proudly walk together towards a future in which everyone can be themselves, regardless of who they are or whom they love.

And remember that orange, is always part of the rainbow!

Thank you, and happy pride!