


駐日スウェーデン大使館公使 ペールエリック・ヘーグベリ氏









Pereric Högberg – Ambassador of Sweden to Japan

Hello and happy pride! My name is Pereric and I am the Swedish ambassador to Japan.
Sweden currently has the EU presidency, just like Japan has the presidency of G7, and I am very happy to be here with colleagues from European Embassies and of course other embassies from around the world, and with all of you, to celebrate Pride.

I want to say a few words about LGBTQI-rights in Sweden, but first let me congratulate the organizers and all participants on holding Tokyo Rainbow Pride here, physically, in Yoyogi Park. It is wonderful to be back after 4 years.

There have been tremendous changes in societies all over the world when it comes to LGBTQI-rights and acceptance of sexual minorities.
Great progress has been made and in 
many places tolerance has increased.
There are sadly many exceptions and even in the most 
progressive countries there is still work to be done.

What has been important in Sweden is that policy makers have responded to changing attitudes among the public.
We all know that laws and regulations have a big impact on 
everyday life and over the last decades Sweden has taken important steps to ensure that the LGBTQI community enjoys the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

Some more recent laws that have been passed are gender-neutral wedding laws in 2009, adoption rights for gay and lesbian couples in 2003, and – very importantly – a prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation was added to the Swedish constitution in 2011.
There is still room for improvement in Sweden. The legal benchmarks are steps, not the final goal, in Sweden’s strive towards equality.

One reason why Sweden is generally considered gay-friendly is that people continue to fight for further improvements.

If you want to know more about the situation in Sweden, we have a booth in the festival area, together with Belgium, Ireland and the EU-delegation. If you haven’t already paid us a visit, please stop by and talk with my colleagues who are at the booth.

Thank you and Happy Pride!

駐日アルゼンチン大使館公使臨時代理大使 セサル・カンポイ氏

こんにちは、私はアルゼンチン共和国大使館 臨時代理大使のセサル・カンポイと申します。私たちは東京レインボープライド2023に参加できてとても嬉しく思います。

アルゼンチンはLGBTQ +の先進国であり、主に権利の促進と保護において力を入れています。

– 2010年にアルゼンチン議会で世界に先駆けた『同性婚法』が可決されました。

– 2012年はトランスジェンダーの人々が名前と性別を選択できる身分証明証を許可する『ジェンダー・アイデンティティー法』が制定されました。

– 2021年の大統領令では『ノンバイナリー ID法』として男性でもない女性でもない性別に『X』の表示を許可しています。

– 2021年にはアルゼンチン政府公職の1%をトランスジェンダーの人々に確保する法律が可決されています。

アルゼンチンの事や、アルゼンチンのLGBTQ +の権利の促進に関してもっと知りたい方は、是非私たちのスタンドにお立ち寄りください!


Cesar Campoy – Minister, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim

Buenos dias. We from Argentina are very proud to be part of the Rainbow Pride. 

Tokyo Rainbow Pride today. Amongst these leading countries in the promotion and protection of human rights, and particularly the LGBTQ plus rights.

 Now we have a progressive legislation in Argentina on this matter. And let me tell you a bit about it. 

In 2010, the Congress passed the Same Sex Marriage Act. This was the first one in the region, in Latin America to cover the whole national territory. And it allows not only residents and Argentines, but non-residents as well. So many visitors and tourists to Argentina have benefited from this Same Sex marriage act. That was 2010. 

In 2012, the Congress passed the Gender Identity Act, which allows transgender people to have IDs with the name and sex of their choice. 

Then in 2021, non-binary IDs were established by presidential decree, allowing the X nomenclature in the IDs of people who do not identify themselves as male or female. 

And also in 2021, there was a law approved which provides for 100% of all the jobs in the public center sector to be allowed to transgender people. 

So we have, as you see, a very progressive law on on legislation on this matter. 

We are very happy to be here today. 

Thank you.


駐日アイスランド大使 ステファン・ホイクル・ヨハネソン氏










Stefan Haukur Johannesson – Ambassador of Iceland to Japan

Hello everyone and congratulations on this joyous occasion I am Stefan Haukur Johannesson, Ambassador of Iceland to Japan. It is a great pleasure for me to speak on behalf of the Embassies of the Nordic countries, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

We join this year‘s Tokyo Rainbow Pride to celebrate and support the LGBTQ community, and to stand up for the rights of all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Studies have shown that countries with greater levels of LGBTQ acceptance and rights also tend to have higher levels of overall happiness and well-being. People who can live their lives without fear of discrimination or persecution, are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and connection to their communities.

This is why LGBTQ rights are so important. In a society where everyone is free to be themselves, lives of all individuals are improved, contributing to a more inclusive society. Being our authentic selves without fear of judgment or discrimination, should be everyone’s right.

The Nordic countries have a long history of supporting LGBTQ rights, such as legalizing same-sex marriage, and we continue to be at the forefront of that fight.

There is still much work to be done.

 In many parts of the world, LGBTQ individuals face discrimination, harassment, and even violence simply for being who they are.

This is unacceptable and we must do everything we can to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, creating more colourful societies.

We, the Nordics, are committed to this work, and we stand in solidarity with the global LGBTQ community as we progress towards a more just and equitable world for all.

In conclusion, let us remember that we belong to the human family, and we all deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Let us continue to stand together in the fight for LGBTQ rights, for a world where everyone is free to be who they are.

Thank you.


駐日米国大使 ラーム・エマニュエル氏









Rahm Emanuel – United States Ambassador to Japan

Thank you. First of all, let me compliment everybody here at being the ninth speaker. You’re showing an a level of patience that I do not have. So congratulations to all of you.
But do not bring that level of patience when it comes to equal rights for the LGBTQ community. This is the moment. This is the time for our voices to be heard. 

I see a point in Japan’s future, like America, where there is not straight marriage or gay marriage, there is only marriage. And it applies to everyone.

When you think about all the challenges that the world is facing from war in Ukraine, from conflict in Sudan, from the consequences of climate change, should you really worry yourself about two people that love each other and want to build a home of love?

That should be held up and honored, not to be attacked and criticized? So when we think about it today and we think about all the things Japan is doing, I want to compliment the government. 

They just said that if you’re coming from Uganda that passed discrimination laws against LGBTQ community, that they will give them asylum rights here in Japan.

I honor and I praise the Japanese government for doing that. But we want those same values, those same ideals apply to the Japanese gay community. If you’re going to do it for the people from Uganda who come to Japan, let us do for the people of Japan that lived here. 

And finally, we too, in America have a booth here.

Don’t go there. Don’t stop. Just go directly from where you’re sitting to the parade and make sure your voices are heard. 

Make sure your feet stomp loud. And today, from this moment forward, let us usher in a new era for Japan, where members of the LGBTQ community feel at home because Japan has a beautiful home with a beautiful heart. Let us open it up to all the citizens of Japan. Thank you.



1.在日フランス大使館公使/次席 ニコラ・ティリエ様

2.駐日イタリア公使 ステファノ ストゥッチ様

  1. 駐日アイルランド大使 デミアン・コール様

4.駐日ベルギー王国公使参事官 エリザ・カスタルド様

  1. 在日オーストラリア大使館 首席公使 ピーター・ロバーツ様

6.駐日デンマーク王国大使館副館長/ 公使参事官 ヨナタン・ベンヤミン・クヌセン様

7.駐日フィンランド大使 タンヤ・ヤースケライネン様

8.駐日ノルウェー大使 インガM. W. ニーハマル様

9.台北駐日経済文化代表処 謝長廷(シャチョウテイ)様

10.駐日英国大使 ジュリア・ロングボトム様

11.駐日ドイツ大使 クレーメンス・フォン・ゲッツェ様

12.在日カナダ大使館 臨時代理大使 デボラ・ポール様

13.駐日EU大使 ジャン=エリック・パケ様

14.駐日オランダ王国大使 ペーターファン・デル・フリート様

15.駐日スウェーデン大使館公使 ペールエリック・ヘーグベリ様

16.駐日アルゼンチン大使館公使臨時代理大使 セサル・カンポイ様

17.駐日アイスランド大使 ステファン・ホイクル・ヨハネソン様

18.駐日米国大使 ラーム・エマニュエル様