

2015年より毎年トップスポンサーとして名を連ね、東京レインボープライド(以下、TRP)への参加は今年で10年目となる、株式会社チェリオグループ(以下、チェリオ)。TRPに来たことがある人ならば、レインボーに彩られたライフガードをもらったという記憶がある人も多いのでは? 今年のTRPのテーマ「変わるまで、続ける」を、社内外で体現し続けているその取り組みについて、営業部所属のブルガリ(ニックネーム)さんに話を聞いた。





























「こちらには『Diverse by nature』というメッセージが込められています。全ての虹は、水から生まれます。多様性の価値観が水のように普遍的なものになってほしい。そういう思いから今回の商品が生まれました。



Cheerio continues to embody the TRP theme “Press on till Japan Changes” but what are the thoughts behind this year’s new product, “Rainbow Natural Water”?

Photo courtesy of Cheerio Group

Cheerio Group has been a leading top sponsor of Tokyo Rainbow Pride (TRP) every year since 2015, and their 10th year of participation in the event is being celebrated this year. You may recall receiving rainbow-colored ”LIFEGUARD”(carbonated drinks from Cheerio Group) in the past. We interviewed a member of the Sales Department who goes by the nickname Bulgari about the company’s efforts to embody this year’s TRP theme, “Press on till Japan Changes,” both internally and externally.

Interview and text by Mousun

Male-dominated company initiates D&I activities

Bulgari, a young employee and member of the company’s ally team, remembers that when he first joined TRP, Cheerio was quite a male-dominated workplace.

“We started our efforts from a position where diversity was not a part of our agenda,” Bulgari stated. “Cheerio is a company where 90% of the workforce is male, and we have many front-line workers in manufacturing and sales.”

“We started our D&I journey by participating in TRP2014 as Cheerio. The circle gradually expanded to include employees who were allies, and as the years went by, the effort spread throughout the company like a chain,” he explained.

Cheerio in the early stages of participation in TRP (photo courtesy of Cheerio Group)

This year, in 2023, Cheerio Group is encouraging not only its employees but also their families to participate in the event, to help children understand that diversity is not something extraordinary through TRP. The parade is expected to be even livelier.

The number of employees participating has been increasing each time (photo courtesy of Cheerio Group).

Formation of an Ally Team Through Annual Participation in TRP

The Ally Team, of which Bulgari is a member, was formed as more and more employees participated in the annual TRP. Presently, the Ally Team is spearheading D&I activities both inside and outside the company, which include planning and organizing events like TRP, as well as grassroots initiatives within the company.

Bulgari is also a member of the “Sexuality Training Program,” which is held regularly for new hires and for executives. “We also have a section in our company newsletter that focuses on LGBTQ+ issues, which is distributed to employees once a month,” he explained.

Photo courtesy of Cheerio Group

The Ally Team also contributes to the improvement of the company’s internal systems with their focus on diversity and inclusion.

The Ally Team members are working extensively on revising the employment regulations. “We revised the employment regulations to include a ban on discrimination based on sexuality and to explicitly state that benefits for spouses are applicable to same-sex partners,” explains one team member.

Additionally, there may be cases where individuals are unable to utilize the same-sex partnership system due to differences in local government regulations. “With this in mind, we have established Cheerio’s own same-sex partnership system,” they explained.

The company is still considering how the system will be used, but they are committed to creating an environment where people can express their individuality more freely by implementing this system.

Drink (Nonde) and CHANGE!” Participatory Vending Machine: A Gateway to Diversity.

Cheerio’s unique approach to promoting diversity: the “Drink (Nonde) and CHANGE!” participatory vending machine that supports Rainbow Event organizations with a portion of its proceeds.

Photo courtesy of Cheerio Group.

We use vending machines as a “media” to raise awareness of diversity. Cheerio has installed more vending machines in local areas than in urban areas, and our goal is to spread diversity naturally by placing “Drink (Nonde) and CHANGE!

Currently, “Drink (Nonde) and CHANGE!” is installed at companies and universities that agree with the concept. It has become a catalyst for conversation about diversity.

I believe that beverage manufacturers have the strength to build such an infrastructure. Water, tea, and other products that people absolutely need, regardless of gender or generation.

This year’s new product is “Natural Water” in a rainbow package. What are the thoughts behind it?

Cheerio is well known for its regular rainbow-themed products. In addition to our Rainbow “LIFEGUARD” drinks distributed at many Pride events in Japan, Rainbow Water and Rainbow Tea have been developed and sold in the past.

Photo courtesy of Cheerio Group

This new product, set to be launched nationwide in April, is “Natural Water from the Suzuka Mountain Range” featuring a rainbow design.

Photo courtesy of Cheerio Group.

The company has been marketing soft drinks with various colors and flavors. However, it is somewhat surprising that the simplest drink, water, is now being marketed with a rainbow design. What is the message being conveyed through this design?

“The message is ‘Diverse by nature.’ All rainbows are born from water. We want the value of diversity to be as universal as water. It is from this desire that this product was born,” said Bulgari.

Although awareness of LGBTQ+ issues has increased significantly in the last decade, there are still conservative parts of the country. Bulgari hopes that Cheerio will continue to work towards creating a world where everyone can take action with confidence and where the circle of pride will spread throughout Japan.

Water is a necessity for all of us. In its 10th year of participating in the TRP, Cheerio’s message has become stronger and more refined. The purity and strength of Cheerio’s message are now embodied in a product that will quench our thirst and spread its message of diversity throughout Japan. This is truly reassuring.