


Rakuten Group Inc.












1 同性パートナー: 戸籍や在留カードなどのID上の性別が同性であるパートナーのこと。
2 LGBTQ+: セクシュアルマイノリティの総称の一つで、レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー、クエスチョンもしくはクィアの英語の頭文字を並べた言葉です。ここでは、LGBTQに限らず、多様な性のあり方を尊重する意味で使用しています。
3 アライ: 英語で「同盟、支援」を意味する「ally」が語源で、LGBTQなどの性的マイノリティの権利擁護を支援する立場を明確にしている人を指す言葉として用いられています。


Diversity at Rakuten

Rakuten’s corporate mission is to “contribute to society by creating value through innovation and entrepreneurship.” We foster a culture that provides equal opportunities to those who share this founding philosophy and take on the challenge to transform society, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or any other status. Diversity is one of Rakuten’s core strategies and a driving force for innovation. To continue to provide innovative services, we strive to respect the uniqueness and values of every one of our employees, located all around the world, and to create environments where they can demonstrate their full potential.
Our fundamental commitment to promoting diversity is stipulated in our Human Rights Policy, a part of Rakuten Group Regulations.

Support for LGBTQ+ employees

Internal systems and work environments

In 2016, Rakuten revised its definition of spouse under the internal employment regulations to include same-sex partners*1 in addition to spouses recognized by a marriage certificate under Japanese law. As a result, the benefits Rakuten offers to employees are also extended to those with a same-sex partner.
We support LGBTQ+ *2employees through tangible and intangible approaches, such as the installation of multi-purpose restrooms available regardless of gender and the introduction of training content for all employees that helps deepen understanding of the LGBTQ+ community.

Employee networks

The LGBT+ Network that connects LGBTQ+  employees and their allies*3 provides information and support systems. To realize safe and supportive work environments for everyone, the network has set up information desks where employees can receive information about LGBTQ+ -friendly services, related internal systems and other forms of support, in addition to seminars to raise awareness of the issues faced by the LGBTQ+  community.

1 Same-sex partner: Refers to partners whose legally registered sex (on their family registry or identification card) is the same as the employee.
2 LGBTQ+: General term for sexual minorities, and abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning or queer. This is not, however, limited to just these five groups, but is used more broadly to refer to a diverse spectrum of orientation and identity.
3 Allies (singular, ally): Refers to those who openly support rights and protections for LGBTQ and other sexual minorities

