


Pfizer Japan Inc.

ファイザーにおけるダイバーシティ、エクイティ & インクルージョン
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Pfizer




At Pfizer, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) is extremely important to build a successful business.Our goal is to create an environment where difference in gender, age, career, workstyle, lifestyles, preferences are accepted and able to express individual characters and abilities.  Also, constantly searching for the way to work efficiently with purpose enable us to progress both organizationally and individually.“Courage,” “Excellence”, “Equity”, and “Joy”, these are four Pfizer Values. We embody “Equity” and proactively promote better understanding of DEI and ensuring inclusive workplace where our colleagues are proud to work, be yourself and thrive.

/DEI at Pfizer (all casts are Pfizer colleagues)


Promoting LGBTQ+ awareness activities at Pfizer  

2019年6月にLGBTQ+啓発を目的とした「LGBTQ Colleague Resource Group(CRG)」を立ち上げ、各部門から集まった約15名の有志社員による草の根活動がスタートしました。2020年にグローバルの方針に沿って、「OPEN(Out Pfizer Employee Network) in Japan」という名称に変更しました。また、活動を本格化させるにあたり、役員を対象としたLGBTQ+のレクチャーや全社員を対象にしたLGBTQ・SOGIに関する基礎編、そして管理職向けのE-Learningの開発を行いました。




We launched “LGBTQ Colleague Resource Group (CRG)” in June 2019 with 15 volunteers from multiple departments to kick off the grassroots effort. In 2020, our activities accelerated into full-scale and renamed it to “OPEN(Out Pfizer Employee Network) in Japan” as we prepared a lecture for the board members, a basic introduction of LGBTQ+ & SOGI for all colleagues and E-learning for managers.
In 2021, we invited Mr. Fumino Sugiyama of TRP to give a nationwide on-line lecture, followed by a talk session by Bourbonne in June 2022 where more than 500 colleagues virtually participated.
Currently over 1000 colleagues are registered as an ally for the LGBTQ+ ally organization “Rainbow Ally Japan” at Pfizer.  We have expanded the benefit for spouse to same sex partners in April 2021.
We believe Pfizer to participate in TRP will give us an opportunity for each one of us to deepen understanding on LGBTQ+ and think about what we can do to make a difference.

Pride Journal:
世界中のファイザー社員が自身の体験を寄稿/Global Pfizer colleagues contributed to share personal experience


名称       ファイザー株式会社
設立      1953年8月1日
事業内容 医療用医薬品の製造・販売・輸出入Our Purpose(私たちの目的)
Breakthroughs that changes patients’ lives (患者さんの生活を大きく変えるブレークスルーを生みだす)


