Our statement
Nissan’s commitment to DEI starts with our people and culture, as we aim to give everyone a voice and the opportunity to realize their full potential. In an increasingly complex and changing world, we need to bring together diverse teams to address and cater our products to the different needs of customers and societies. The emphasis on DEI will help us to be truly inclusive with our innovations, as we continue to deliver the future of mobility and enrich the world we live in.
Our actions
With an aim to realize our mission, Nissan establishes its core principles for every employee to value and respect one another. With an inclusive mindset, we uphold a diverse work culture that provides equitable opportunity with greater work life balance for all and our employees are expected to empower and help each other to deepen understanding of different cultures, people and experience. Our suppliers, customers, and the communities where we operate are to be respected in the same way. Alongside this, each region and country where Nissan is present follows our global policy which defines roles each individual should play, while also developing their own approach to focus on diverse local environments.
Nissan Diversity Equity and Inclusion Mission
Foster a diverse and inclusive environment where we value and respect employees to drive innovation in automotive products and services that enrich people’s lives
Our activities for LGBTQ+
We are making both internal and external effort to support LGBTQ+ people, creating a corporate culture that embraces difference in gender identities and sexual orientations, introducing systems and facilities considerate of them and releasing supportive message to the public.
- 風土醸成
・社内外の相談窓口の設置 - 制度の整備
・環境整備(ユニバーサルトイレ・厚生施設・寮など) - 社会への貢献
- Cultural Initiatives:
・Action pledge for all human rights
・Awareness raising effort(LGBTQ+ seminars, company-wide e-learning)
LGBTQ+ seminars have been held annually since 2014 with LGBTQ+ people and publicly distinguished allies invited as guest speakers.
This is a mandatory training for all employees to acquire the basic knowledge about LGBTQ+.
・Ally network(Stickers/Networking among the employees)
A voluntary community of internal LGBTQ+ people and allies(supporters of LGBTQ+ people)in Nissan
・Internal/External hotline established - Internal systems and facilities
・Personnel /employee benefit systems
Marriage leave/money gift given to same gender couples as well, Health checkup schedule arranged based on individual requests
・Arrangements for transgender people, Use of preferred names at work allowed
・Facilities(All-gender restrooms, welfare facilities, dorms, etc. ) - Contribution to society
・Sponsoring events, making donations
Nissan has been participated in ‘Tokyo Rainbow Pride’, the biggest LGBTQ event in Japan, since 2017.
こうした活動が評価され、 任意団体「work with Pride」がLGBT従業員に対する企業の取り組みを評価する「PRIDE指標」において日本の自動車メーカとして
Nissan has been earning good reputations because of these efforts. A private organization ‘Work with Pride’ which evaluates companies’ LGBT-friendliness gave Nissan its gold rating for the first time in the car industry in Japan, and we have received a gold rating every year since then.
Nissan has received Gold ratings in PRIDE Index for 6 successive years.